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Dad, I don’t want to go to school today…

Dear Irene. I have five minutes to make you repent of what you’ve just said and remember this story when you have doubts again. Somewhere in the world and history a handful of kids like you are putting their lives at risk daily to arrive to the school and receive an education infinitely worse than yours. Bridges near to collapse, mine fields, cliffs, racist pickets, wars that are not theirs… An adventure full of risk just to sit at their desks. Do not believe me? Look.

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10 historic photographs an instant earlier

Let’s play a game. Would you be able to recognize a historic picture from another one taken just a moment earlier? Most photographic icons leave behind others which are dismissed and mediocre but that still help to explain the events and put them in context. Forgotten photographs, B Sides, rescued to tell the whole truth or that simply make the stories around their famous big sisters more human. For fetishists of photography, nostalgics of icons or History lovers. Ready?

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Twelve black and white photographs that don’t tell the whole story

Some photographs are self-explanatory and some need a little prod. Snapshots that leave out of the frame remnants of the story they want to tell. They are great works of forgotten photojournalism, graphic proof for unusual events that, however, beg for a little explanation. I present you with an anachronistic walk along a few of them in black and white. I recommend you to imagine, before reading, the context for each of these suggestive or shocking images.

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Man is the only animal that trips twice over the same photograph

…and still shocks himself every time. Photos that in the past were front page or worthy of an award hit the headlines once again, repeating themselves after getting cold into oblivion. I present you with a collection of journalistic quirks of fate, photographic déjà vus that are back to duplicate themselves and bring back emotions, awards and amazement, but to a different generation. Those who forget the (photograph’s) story are also doomed to repeat it.

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One Can, One Condom. How make effective the fight against AIDS in Africa. 

Africa, the continent that gave birth to AIDS, is also severely affected by human immunodeficiency virus. 23 million people are infected now, more than double the rest of the planet. Despite the number of infected people is decreasing, the educational, prevention and treatment against the disease policies are still a failure.  How can we take advantage of commercial structures engaged to try to improve this situation?

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Ghost Spain.

On July 11, during the World Cup’s final match among Spain and Netherlands an army of spanish photographers went out to take pictures of the empty streets that more than 18 millions TV-viewers left. More than 200 volunteers from every place in Spain took advantage of the absence and portraited a desert country. This is the result.

I would like to thank everyone who has taken part in this project. Thanks for your quick answer, the volume of volunteers have been huge and that made possible generating and discovering extraordinary photographs.

Here is a personal summary of some of the most prominent spaces I rescued from the more than 800 photographs I received. You can find all in Flickr.

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The Scared Grandma.

There are journalistic photos that are made to inform, and others just for being photoshopped. Because of the Madrid Metropolitan strike, a Reuters photographer catched one of those gestures, so rancid and explicit that reaches the soul. A restlessness face of one of the affected by the public transport chaos. This singular photo quickly spreaded through the social networks while some were getting their digital brushes ready just for finding an explanation for that gesture. What scares the old lady? This is the result:

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Some passengers cramped in the bus because the strike in Madrid Metro. Link


Welcome to Dharavi, the biggest slum on Earth

My name is Krishna Pooraji, and I want you to come with me through the most shocking trip you’ve ever done with your mouse scroll. I live and work at Dharavi, Bombay’s slum, city of pariah and one of the most degraded suburbs on Earth. Almost 400.000 people per kilometer square are waiting for you with a smile into their humble huts while they survive their hopeless fate. They’re poor and ‘untouchable’ but without weapons, no violence and neither crime. Welcome to the city of the happy misery.

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Sunset at Dharavi. National Geographic.

The kids who lived and drew the Holocaust

Terezín was the nazi concentration camp located at Prague’s outskirts. The “Lobby of the hell” was the last stop for 150.000 Jews and 15.000 kids and pre-teenagers. A woman –Friedl Dicker Brandeis– dedicated her time during the internment teaching stealthily art and paintingas evasive therapy for many of those kids. Before leaving Terezín for going to her final destiny, she rescued 4.500 drawings. These drawings were used as clues during Nuremberg’s Trial, and they’re an indelible sample of the horror.

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«Everyone was hungry» Liana Franklová 10 years old. Terezín

The man who smiled from the grave.

Want to know what’s the most hilarious testament of the history? The last will of a rich man, mortgaged with his sense of humor.  Charles Vance Millar, a Canadian lawyer and a vocational joker, decided to share his huge fortune in a unique way. A mansion divided between the three most faced lawyers of the country. Stocks of a racetrack to give to various detractors of the horse races… And, especially, the famous ‘birth rate’ contest proposed to the executor in the clause number 9.

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Charles Vance Millar. The man who smiled from the grave


The odyssey of the spanish tomato

Since a tomato leaves its branch of the plant in one of the hundreds of greenhouses from Almeria (Spain), until a consumer in Madrid take it into its meal, the price “grows” in a 500% respect to the price provided by the farmer. In the next graphic, we try to analyze each and every one of the mechanisms mediating the ‘expensive’ voyage of this unique tomato.

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Madrid, yesterday and nowadays.

What if we take some old photos of Madrid and try to repeat them in the same scenario but today? Doesn’t seem very original, that’s been made many times. But, what if we try to find the total symbiosis between both pictures in just one with the aim of creating a completely new scenario? Could you find any differences between ages, architecture, monuments, people or environment? I propose a game, in which is more important the reason than the eye, the photography’s history. Want to play?

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Gran Vía nº 12. 1930 y 2009 (Click para ampliar)

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3 comentarios

  1. Congratulations!!! xD

  2. in english. « Submundo Mental

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